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Monday, January 6, 2014

Lemon Berry Smoothie

I've been a breakfast person ever since I can remember. Usually I'm looking forward to breakfast by about 12:30 am when I am finally going to sleep for the night. Seriously, I dink around so long getting ready for bed that by the time I hit the sack, I'm hungry. Pure laziness overtakes the hunger and I just find myself laying there thinking about what I will eat for breakfast in the morning until I fall asleep. I guess it kinda has the same effect on me as counting sheep.

Needless to say, the first thing I do when I pop out of bed in the morning is grab a cold bowl of cereal and chow down. My baby girl Emry is right there with me. We have the same idea when we wake up: FOOD! Braelyn, on the other hand, gets so distracted by all the exciting things she can do in the day that breakfast is the last thing on her mind. She was up for two hours before she asked for something to eat today. Her tummy was feeling extra yucky today (we can't start her on gluten free until after her endoscopy on Thursday) so I asked her if she would like a smoothie. I never make smoothies. This girl was in heaven!

I felt a little sneaky making this because I slipped an entire cup of fresh spinach in the mix. Braelyn couldn't even tell. She grabbed a jacket, sat on the back porch and drank it like a milkshake. Hehehe!

Lemon Berry Smoothie
1 cup packed fresh spinach leaves
1/2-3/4 cup skim milk
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 cup nonfat vanilla greek yogurt
1/2 small banana
1 cup blueberries
2 cups frozen strawberries (if you don't have frozen, reduce to 1 cup and add 1 cup of ice)
1. Add ingredients into blender. I made the mistake of putting frozen strawberries on the bottom so it was hard to blend the whole thing. Make sure your frozen ingredients are at the top.
2. Blend ingredients until fully pureed. You may need to stir with a spoon and pulse mixture occasionally.

3. Serve immediately and garnish as desired.
Makes about 4 servings (8 oz. each)

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